- Food Technology Workshop
- Bacterial Virulence and Chronic Infections
- BatBall
- Biocommunication in Cardiometabolics
- Biodicee
- Biodivoc
A key challenge for biodiversity in Occitania - Biophysics and Nuclear Medicine
Biophysics and Nuclear Medicine Department of UM1 and Montpellier University Hospital - CHIMECO - UMR5021
Laboratory for Bioinspired Chemistry and Ecological Innovations - CQNAT-PARASITO
- Center for Breeding and Experimental Conditioning of Animal Models
- Center de Recherches et d'Études Administratives de Montpellier (CREAM)
- Pedagogical Innovation Support Center
- Oenology training and research center
- Leishmania Biological Resource Center
- Center for Comparative Constitutional and Political Studies and Research
- National reference center for leishmaniasis
- Naturcom Chair
- SCORE Chair
the Sustainability, Accounting & Reporting Chair at the University of Montpellier - Doctoral College University of Montpellier
- Cosmic
A turnkey site from the University of Montpellier - Multi-disciplinary Graduate Cycle
Modeling and Numerical Engineering in Matter Sciences, Life Sciences or Economics - DE Scientific Data Management / Gestion de données scientifiques
- DU Data Protection Officer (DPO)
- DU Lymphology
A turnkey site from the University of Montpellier - Cybercrime University Diploma: Law, Information Security & Digital Forensics
- Intellectual property and digital law
(IP / IT Law) - Occitanie Water Key Challenge
- Adapted Physical Activities Department
Licence Master et PhD APA STAPS - Biology - Life Mechanisms Department of the Faculty of Science
- Sport Management Department
- Chemistry Department Sète IUT Montpellier-Sète
- Department of Earth, Water and Environmental Sciences
- Department of Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science
- Mathematics Department
- Department of Physics, Faculty of Science
- Department of Human and Social Sciences in Medicine
- Language Department
- EEA Teaching Department - Faculty of Science
- Sports Training Department
- Mechanical and Production Engineering Department
- Faculty of Science IT Department
- University Department of General Medicine
- EcoDor
The Montpellier data workshop - Digital Health School
- Doctoral school in law and political science
- Education and motor skills
- Experimental Evolution of Communities
Institut des Sciences de l'Evolution de Montpellier (ISEM) - 14-18 exhibition
- Faculty of Dentistry
- Faculty of Economics
- Faculty of Law and Political Science
- Faculty of Science
- Montpellier University Foundation
- University Job Forum
- GSSI 2024
- Hermes
- Hilight
A turnkey site from the University of Montpellier - Hypercan
Mechanisms and evolutionary significance of HYPERploidy variations in a long-lived parasitic CANcer - IAE
University School of Management - IDIL GRADUATE PROGRAM
Search for your IDIL - IONESCO
- IUT Béziers
- IUT Montpellier - Sète
- Nîmes IUT
- Imagine entreprendre
- INITIUM incubator
- Health Engineering
Bachelor's / Master's degree Montpellier - Inprove
- Professional Integration
A mission led by SCUIO-IP - Desbrest Institute of Epidemiology and Public Health
- Edmond Meynial Institute of Legal History
- Institute of Judicial Studies
- European Human Rights Law Institute (IDEDH)
- Institut de préparation à l'administration générale (IPAG)
- Research Institute for Science Education
- Institut de recherche sur l'enseignement des mathématiques
A site using Sites de l'Université de Montpellier - exposum Institute
A turnkey site for the University of Montpellier - KIM IBS
A turnkey site from the University of Montpellier - Key Initiative CLAPAS
Collaborative Local Research Actions on Plant health and AgroSystems - Key Initiative Public Policies for Transition
2024-2026 - L2C - Charles Coulomb Laboratory
- Health at the UM
- Laboratoire Commun InToSea - Innovative Tools under the Sea
- Innovation Communication and Market Laboratory (UR_UM213)
- Bioengineering and Nanosciences Laboratory
- Physical Measurement Laboratory
Chemical Analysis Platform - Interdisciplinary research laboratory in didactics, education and training
- Laboratory of Pathogens and Host Immunity
- University libraries
- Licence Professionnelle Chimie : Formulation Parfums-Arômes et Cosmétiques LProPAC
- Bachelor's degree in physics
- Bachelor's degree in physics and chemistry
Bi-disciplinary training with multiple career opportunities - Professional degree in light and color
- Magistère Applied Public Law
- Master 2 Real Estate, Construction and Urban Planning
- Master 2 Clinical evaluation of therapeutic trials
- Master of Public Business Law, Public Contracts and Partnerships
- Master of Public Finance
- Master PESAP
Prevention, Health Education, Physical Activity - Master of Fundamental Physics and Applications
- Master in Psychological Preparation and Coaching
Performance Engineering - Master of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Environment
- Master in Wood Science
- Master of Science and Numerics for Health
- Master's degree in biology and health
- Master of Chemistry
- Master's degree in personal and family law
- Master in Comparative Politics and Public Policy
- Master in Membrane Engineering for Sustainable Development
- Master of Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Electron and analytical microscopy
- Montpellier Advanced Knowledge Institute on Transitions
- Montpellier Research in Management
- Montpellier Political Science
- Montpellier public law
- Montpellier research in economics
- NanoMIR
- Ob.i LAB
- Objectif université
A mission led by SCUIO-IP - Observatory of pedagogical transformation
- Observatory of student career follow-up and integration
A mission led by SCUIO-IP - PTL Cogit Pôle MIPS
A turnkey site for the University of Montpellier - PTL Colors MIPS cluster
A turnkey site for the University of Montpellier - Galenic Pharmacy, Biomaterials and Cosmetology
- IRRAMAN platform
- Prépa Concours Agro Véto
Life sciences degree courses - Preparing for the CAPET Biotechnologies - Biochemistry and Biological Engineering exam
Become a Biotechnology - Biological Engineering teacher - Pôle Sud
Journal of Southern European Political Science - University Innovation Cluster
Innovation facilitator - RIVOC
- UM defense referents
University and National Defense. Working together as citizens. - X-ray and gamma-ray network
University of Montpellier technology resource - Chemicals reserve
- Santesih
- Montpellier High Pressure Science and Technology (STEP)
- Open Science
- Continuing education department
- Space center of the University of Montpellier
- Sud de sciences
The Montpellier science film festival - Safety, Environment and Quality
- The Montpellier Process
Pooling collective intelligence for action - 19-20 march 2024 - TéraHertz Occitanie
- UFR STAPS Montpellier
Skills for sport, education and health - UFR of Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences
- Ultrasonography - Ultrasound - Doppler
- Univerlacité
- University of Montpellier
University of Montpellier websites - University, a place of culture
- Van Allen Foundation
- Vinidocc
- fhu-tie-enseignements
A turnkey site from the University of Montpellier - Montpellier Criminal Law and Forensic Sciences Team (EDPFM)